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about NAREIM

NAREIM is the industry association dedicated to the business and organizational strategy of real estate investment management.


Founded in 1990, NAREIM today represents real estate investment management firms with combined assets under management of more than $2 trillion.

For 30 years, NAREIM has been the home of real estate investment management benchmarking and best practice education, where investment managers candidly share intelligence and learn – through peer-to-peer workshops – how to drive process and strategy, and how others in the industry are innovating their businesses, their departments - and individual roles and strategies.

NAREIM’s benchmarking research comprises enterprise-wide organizational metrics, real estate investment management’s only industry-specific compensation guide, the first corporate diversity and inclusion survey and – to come in 2021 – organizational metrics focused on defined contribution capital raising, structuring and best practice education.

To learn more about becoming a member, contact NAREIM CEO, Zoe Hughes.

To download the member benefits summary, click here.

What we do

To download the member benefits summary, click here.


benchmarking Research

Participating members receive access to the industry’s only enterprise benchmarking survey, the Global Management Benchmarking Survey, covering capital raising, EBITDA margins; governance; staffing and workload metrics; as well as the industry’s only real estate investment management specific Compensation Survey, providing more than 300 pages of individual compensation data.

NAREIM also releases the industry’s only DEI Survey, in collaboration with 6 industry associations, providing gender and ethnicity metrics across seniority and job functions, as well as best practices on DEI programs and metrics of success.

NAREIM also produces an annual Defined Contribution Survey with the Defined Contribution Real Estate Council (DCREC) benchmarking defined contribution capital raising, organizational and best practice benchmarking. 

NAREIM does not sell the research to non-members.


NAREIM holds 15-20 meetings per year, both in-person and virtually, and represents the whole of the REIM business.


The groups are focused on peer-to-peer, small group networking and content. The groups covered are:

  • Acquisitions; Architecture & Engineering; Asset Management; Capital Raising & IR; Data Strategy; DEI; Executive Officer; Legal & Compliance; Marketing & Communications; Portfolio Management; Sustainability and Talent Management

The focus on NAREIM conversations is on roundtable discussions, member case studies and sharing what is working and what is not working within organizations. 

Click here to download our handy guide to the NAREIM Calendar

Peer Group

Members can access the NAREIM membership directory and network, providing names, email and telephone contact numbers of all NAREIM member firms (corporations) and more than 1,000 personnel within those firms.


Dialogues Magazine

Members are invited to contribute thought-leadership articles demonstrating expertise and discussion points to NAREIM’s biannual magazine. Dialogues is published and distributed in association with IREI, a B2B publication distributed to more than 8,000 real estate investment professionals. Dialogues' open rates are double the industry average for business and finance.

Click here to download our handy guide to contributing to the Dialogues magazine

Fellows & RESUME book

NAREIM members are also able to access new recruitment pipelines through the annual NAREIM Resume Book and the NAREIM Jeff Barclays Fellows program.

  • NAREIM Jeff Barclay Fellows Program

Named after the late Jeff Barclay, former NAREIM chairman, CIO of Clarion Partners and head of Goldman Sachs' real estate group, the NAREIM Jeff Barclay Fellows award is given to five outstanding graduate students each year. T


he program affords a unique learning and networking opportunity to attend the Executive Officer Meeting in October, as well as other NAREIM departmental meetings through the year, and the chance to be published in Dialogues magazine.

Member Surveys and NAREIM Content

NAREIM also provides members the opportunity to do member surveys and ask questions of one another on an issue most pressing to them and their organizations. 


In the past year, NAREIM conducted 6 member-initiated surveys, covering topics such as return to work strategies; mid-year compensation adjustments and benefits; tech budgets and asset management process.

NAREIM also produces proprietary content for distribution to its own membership base, including meeting takeaways. We also promote the work of NAREIM and its members at external industry events and, wherever possible, connect NAREIM members and media publications to one another to help build member profiles in the industry.

For more information on how to become a member, download the member benefits summary here.

ESG consultant directories

Compensation & benefits: pulse surveys

Property manager scorecards

NAREIM meetings are not just about peer-to-peer networking

They also deliver real intelligence you can act upon

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