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50% of Asset Management teams get involved with deals at deal screening

NAREIM Member Survey: Asset Management processes & best practices

July 22, 2022

Half of all Asset Management teams get involved in the acquisitions process at deal screening, according to the latest NAREIM member survey.

NAREIM members were asked about their Asset Management team processes and meetings, and how they've driven improvements post-Covid. 

Members revealed that regular asset management meetings are held every 7 days by half of all real estate investment managers – with the top 3 topics of conversation leasing approvals, key performance metrics and materiality. 

  • Risk assessment, including legal and concentration risks, as well as ESG and environmental risk, were discussed less frequently

Other key findings from the report - which can be downloaded here - include:

  • Virtual Asset Management meetings have been embraced by 43% of firms, not least for larger firms bringing together employees and team members from international offices. 

  • Business plan and budget updates, are held once a year by 57% of firms. A further third of members reviewed the business plan every 90 days; 14% were bi-annual.

  • On Post-Covid improvements, virtual meetings were highlighted as a key gain as well as better tracking tenant metrics and the use of data in decision-making, particularly on leasing and revenue management.

Topics discussed at regular Asset Management meetings:

  • Leasing approvals and updates are the key topic of conversation during regular AM meetings, followed by key performance metrics and materiality. Risk assessment, including legal and concentration risks, were discussed less frequency.

  • Materiality was the key piece of information presented in Asset Management reports to members of the Investment or Executive Committee, followed by key performance metrics and cap-ex approvals.

  • NAREIM members were asked who attends the regular Asset Management meeting, whether internal teams or third-party providers. According to members acquisitions and transactions team as well as portfolio management members were the most regular attendees followed by property management and IC members.

To download the Asset Management process member survey results, click here.

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