Attendance limits: Please note, owing to demand and space constraints, no more than two attendees will be allowed per investment manager or underwriting member.
Registration fee: $775
meeting schedule
Tuesday, June 3: Networking reception
Location: Blackbarn, 19 E 26th St, New York, NY 10010
Time: 6-9pm ET
Wednesday, June 4: Meeting
Location: Convene, Venue 42, 5 Times Square, New York, NY 10036
8am: Breakfast
9am: Meeting content, roundtables, workshops
4pm: End of meeting
The NAREIM Portfolio Management Committee is hard at work putting together an interactive agenda. Continue checking back below for more details.
Tuesday, June 3
Attendees are invited to reconnect with peers and create new connections at our networking reception in NYC.
Location: Blackbarn, 19 E 26th St, New York, NY 10010
Time: 6-9pm ET
Wednesday, June 4
8am: Breakfast
8.50am: Welcome comments & NAREIM Portfolio Management committee update
NAREIM's Portfolio Management committee co-chairs will provide a short update on the industry, as well as key issues to be addressed through the following peer discussions.
Kate Bassett, Director, Associate Portfolio Manager, Invesco Real Estate
Scott Dunphy, Senior Director, Real Estate Portfolio Manager, MetLife Investment Management
IvyLee Rosario, Head of Programs
9am How to structure and develop a successful Portfolio Management team
This session will include a summary of results from a survey of NAREIM members on Portfolio Management function, structure, and development distributed prior to the meeting. Following that will be whole-room discussions centered around the proper allocation of work, responsibilities, and resources within a Portfolio Management team, and strategies for attracting and developing talent in the industry.
Session leaders:
Ian Braverman, Director, Portfolio Management, Harrison Street Real Estate Capital
Mike Fenner, Senior Director, Portfolio & Asset Management, National Real Estate Advisors
10am Break
10.15am Alternative property types: Assessing investor appetite
Subject matter experts join us to explore alternative sectors of real estate in more detail, including the benefits and challenges of those investing in them. The discussion will focus on self storage, data centers, and senior housing, but will touch on other alternatives as well.
Session leaders:
Justin Shanahan, Deputy Portfolio Manager, CBRE Investment Management
Kate Davis, Senior Portfolio Manager, Harrison Street Real Estate Capital
Ben Wobschall, Executive Vice President, Data Center Capital Markets, CBRE Investment Management
Nick Walker, Vice Chairman, Self Storage Capital Markets, CBRE Investment Management
Elliot Pessis, Managing Director & Head of Senior Housing Asset Management North America, Harrison Street Real Estate
11.15am Break
11.30am Data & AI: Organizing, accessing and validating
Session leaders:
Will Hedley, Principal, BGO
Scott Dunphy, Senior Director, Real Estate Portfolio Manager, MetLife Investment Management
Drew Stepanek, Managing Director, Stockbridge Capital Group
12.30pm Lunch
1.30pm Debt markets & fund leverage strategies in 2025
This session will include a panel discussion on the debt markets focusing on both asset-level and fund-level financing followed by whole-room discussions centered around leverage strategies for real estate portfolios in 2025.
Session leaders:
Nolan Henry, Executive Director, UBS Realty Investors
Kate Bassett, Director, Associate Portfolio Manager, Invesco Real Estate
Yorick Starr, Managing Director, Credit Investments, Invesco
Anthony Fertitta, Senior Managing Director, Capital Markets, JLL
2.30pm Break
2.45pm Portfolio strategy & allocation: What are firms leaning into for 2025?
Session leaders:
Lucas Kimmel, Managing Director, LaSalle Investment Management
Jake Maliel, Partner, Portfolio Management, TA Realty
3.45pm End of meeting
feedback & pictures from the portfolio management meeting 2024
"I thought that the facilitators did an excellent job pacing the programing and encouraging thoughtful conversation. They were very knowledgeable on the topics and asked the right questions of the group."
"It was nice to collaborate with peers and think of proactive ways to improve for the benefit our our collective investors."

Convene: Venue 42
5 Times Square
New York, NY 10036
NAREIM will not have a hotel room block for the Portfolio Management meeting. Below are some nearby hotels.
Hampton Inn Manhattan/Time Square Central
Margaritaville Resort Time Square

2025 committee members
Co-Chair: Kate Bassett, Invesco Real Estate
Co-Chair: Scott Dunphy, MetLife Investment Management
Will Hedley, BGO
Justin Shanahan, CBRE Investment Management
Kate Davis & Ian Braverman, Harrison Street Real Estate Capital
Susan Kolasa, JPMorgan Asset Management
Lucas Kimmel, LaSalle Investment Management
Mike Fenner & TJ Hofheimer, National Real Estate Advisors
Ki Park, Nuveen Real Estate
Samantha Davis, Sentinel Real Estate Corporation
Drew Stepanek, Stockbridge Capital Group
Jake Maliel, TA Realty
Nolan Henry, UBS Realty Investors
NAREIM meetings are open to NAREIM members only and their guests. For further information on attending meeting or other NAREIM discussions, please contact IvyLee Rosario, Head of Programs. Please note that any executive who is not a NAREIM member, guest of a member or working in the real estate investment management industry will not be admitted to NAREIM events. NAREIM reserves the right to decline any registration. By registering for NAREIM events, you are consenting to NAREIM’s privacy policy.